



Do you use google maps? I do. Alot.

Not only do I use maps to help me figure out how long the drive will take, I also use it to find the "best" route.

But before I can actually start to move, I need to input my starting location, otherwise, how will the map know how to compute the route?

When it comes to using a map app, you will only get the best route depending on the information that you input.

Funny thing, but this is the same process that I follow when I conduct ENERGY EVALUATIONS with my clients.

Through a series of questions, using the 5 Element Theory, we can determine your Current Element Essence.

In Light Leader Kundalini, this is your starting point.

AKA, your "Point A".

And then the fun begins.

Once we know what your Current Element Essence is, aka your set point, then we are going to look at the space between where you are starting from and where you actually want to go.

Once I can see the gap, I can prescribe you the correct protocol using one of the following modalities: Guided Activation or Mindfulness, Breathwork or a Kundalini Kriya.

I'm so excited for you to get started and find your personalized route to where you desire to be.

Remember, you are the GPS.

Let's get you to point B, using your soul aligned route.



  • This Energy Evaluation will determine your current element essence and provide insight on where you desire to be.

  • A personalized protocol from one modality (Guided Activation or Mindfulness, Breathwork or Kundalini Kriya) to move you into your desired element



  • Full Energy Evaluation to determine your current element essence, based on the 5 Element Theory

  • A personalized protocol from one modality (Guided Activation or Mindfulness, Breathwork or Kundalini Kriya) to move you into your desired element


How is the program delivered?

This is a one-time session that consists of an energy evaluation form summitted by you. Once all questions are answered, you will be provided your personalized protocol via video & email.

How long do I have access to this program?

Once you have your protocol delivered, you have it forever. Just don't let it sit in your inbox collecting dust, make sure you take action.

Refund Policy

Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds. But hey, if you find that you would like more support, please reach out and we can figure out a way to work together.

© 2025 | The Spiritual Shiftworker | All Rights Reserved

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